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How to determine and test the number of air changes in a cleanroom?

2024-07-23 15:17:58
How to determine and test the number of air changes in a cleanroom?

Cleanrooms are unique sterile rooms where things are precision made, so they become expensive when a global pandemic demands that sanitized conditions be maintained wherever lives depend on superior products and services. These rooms should be spotless and dust-free. Think of it as a place where even the tiniest piece dirt are exiled from entering this forbidden ground so that nothing goes wrong with any work in progress.

One of the biggest factors in maintaining a cleanroom safe is how often the air inside it changes. This rate is known as the air change rate. A one-of-a-kind instrument we use to show the varying speeds at which air moves around called a thermal anemometer. We simply use this tool at different locations in the room, then we can find out how many times per hour is air replaced.

Air change rates are importance for keeping the air in a room clean and safe to breathe. They also help us know how much fresh air is entering the room and how many pollutants are getting emitted out. Ashgrove then install systems and constantly test air flow to ensure the cleanroom is operating perfectly every day.

Air change rates can be calculated using special gases or thermal imaging ways amongst other techniques. Furthermore, the machines responsible for regulating airflow in the cleanroom should be inspected and properly cleaned. We do these things, so that we can keep our cleanroom environment safe and efficient; thus allowing us to make correctly manufactured products.

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